“The Whiter the Bread, The Sooner You’ll be Dead”


Although Michael Pollan’s official job is journalism professor at UC Berkeley, his more important role is that of author/activist, trying to cajole America into radically reforming how we produce and consume our food.  In  his new small book, he pares it down to 64 rules, mostly to-the-point and easy to remember.

One rule is  “from grandmothers, both Jewish and Italian, it might be my favorite rule: ‘The whiter the bread, the sooner you’ll be dead.’ There was an understanding that white flour may not be good for you, and whole grain might be better long before the current research on whole grains. I’m trying to resurrect that cultural wisdom. This book is full of the wisdom of the grandmothers. But it takes some work. There is also some nonsense. There are old wives’ tales that are nothing but old wives’ tales.”

Read the full New York Times interview with Pollan about the book here.